I was actually just playing with this. If you don't mind adding your whole 
daily schedule to the notify list, you can use


Unrelated to agenda, there is (appt-add)

As far submitting just a single item from the agenda for a pop-up reminder, I'm 
still at a loss.
- Tory

Leo Ufimtsev <lufim...@redhat.com> writes:

> Hello folks,
> I would like to receive desktop notifications (1* e.g below) for scheduled 
> items. 
> E.g if I schedule like this:
> * Make Coffee 
>   SCHEDULED: <2015-03-02 Mon 01:30>
> Then I would like a desktop notification to pup up at 1:30 telling me to make 
> coffee.
> I saw the org-notify package, but besides this post:
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/59339
> I didn't see any documentation on it, making it somewhat tricky to configure. 
> I'd be willing to spend time figuring out the package, but I'm wondering, has 
> someone got something like this to work already?
> And if so, would you be willing to share a 'high-level' overview? (I'd be 
> happy to figure out the details).
> Thank you
> 1* I get a desktop notification if I run this command:
> (notifications-notify
>            :title "Title"
>            :body "This is <b>important</b>."
>            :actions '("Confirm" "I agree" "Refuse" "I disagree")
>            :on-action 'my-on-action-function
>            :on-close 'my-on-close-function)
> ref:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Desktop-Notifications.html
> Leo Ufimtsev | Intern Software Engineer @ Eclipse Team

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