Hi Richard (again),

2015ko martxoak 2an, Richard Lawrence-ek idatzi zuen:
> Could we guess the backend from the file extension on the BIBLIOGRAPHY,
> to keep things simple here?  I don't use a citation manager, so I don't
> know if this is possible for anything other than Bib(La)TeX.
> Also, as mentioned earlier, it would be really nice to support
> org-bibtex as one of the reference database formats.  (It's what I use,
> so naturally it's what I think we should bless. :) This would allow
> storing your reference database in-document.

I too use org-bibtex, and I agree that in-document references would be
nice.  My skeletal implementation supports only org-bibtex at the

> Some things to think about:
> 1) Is there ever a need to mix reference database formats in the same
> document (e.g., zotero and org-bibtex)?  (I would think not, but my
> needs are simple.)

I think this is most likely in collaborative situations: you have your
carefully curated org-bibtex database, and your co-author sends you a
bunch of references in some other database format.  I think it’s pretty
easy to support (convert everything to bibtex and concat it all

> 2) Is there ever a need to mix multiple reference databases in the
> *same* format (e.g., two different .bib files)?  (I would think so,
> given the existence in BibLaTeX of \addbibresource.)

Certainly yes (this can be seen as a degenerate case of (1) above).

> 3) If the answer to either 1 or 2 is yes, how should we decide
> precedence between multiple reference databases?  (Two databases might
> contain the same key.)

Initially I think an admonition of “don’t do that.”  Eventually, we
could raise a warning (or error) on detecting multiply-defined keys.  I
think allowing, and trying to make sense of, multiple definitions is
more trouble than it’s worth.

Aaron Ecay

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