Hi Richard,

Thank you very much for your detailed answer.

Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:
> Hi Andreas,
> Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:
>> I have been following this thread from (quite) some distance as I am
>> very interested in more general citation support from orgmode.  Please
>> allow some basic questions:
>> 1. For the LaTeX user
>> This change means that the LaTeX user can use org syntax for citations
>> rather than bare LaTeX (or links of some sort)?
>> And this org syntax could then (I guess is the future) be extended with
>> additional link-like functionality (maybe similar to org-ref)?
> Yes, exactly.
>> 2. The non-LaTeX exports
>> These are all treated the same and will contain just text, that is
>> produced to mimic LaTeX's output to some extent?
> Well, that depends on what you mean by `just' text.  Citations can still
> contain or be wrapped in markup that is specific to the output format,
> like span tags or anchor tags in HTML.

I meant especially link-like functionality in the exported document.
Just as references in a LaTeX generated PDF can link to the bibliography
(and back).

>> I think I read some question about e.g. having zotero handling the
>> citations in the odt export.  Are there plans for such thing?
> Maybe.  As far as I know, no one has done any work on Zotero integration
> yet.  But Vaidheeswaran did some work to make JabRef (a different
> reference database) handle citations in ODT export.
>> 3. The database
>> As I understand the database currently is either bibtex or org?
> Yes.
>> But that list could in principle be extended to zotero ... ?
> Yes, in principle.  Any database that can export to bibtex format is
> supported to some degree, if we support that format.  Whether we want to
> integrate with any particular reference database more tightly than that
> hasn't really been discussed, as far as I'm aware.  I don't have a good
> sense of what other software Org users rely on for this purpose.
>> And any other database X (zotero ...) would need translations X ->
>> bibtex to make the LaTeX export work with it as well?
> Not necessarily.  Obviously, if you want to have bibtex/biblatex do the
> processing of the citations and bibliography in the document, that is
> required.  But there is another approach, which is the one that Pandoc
> takes: directly rendering citations and bibliography into the output
> .tex file.  If you're not relying on bibtex/biblatex to do the
> rendering, you don't need to have the database in its format.
> The org-citeproc tool I've been working on supports reading databases in
> any of these formats (via pandoc-citeproc):
> Format            File extension
> ------------      --------------
> MODS              .mods
> BibLaTeX          .bib
> BibTeX            .bibtex
> RIS               .ris
> EndNote           .enl
> EndNote XML       .xml
> ISI               .wos
> MEDLINE           .medline
> Copac             .copac
> JSON citeproc     .json
> org-citeproc (via pandoc-citeproc) should already be able to read
> databases in these other formats.  It would be trivial to add a LaTeX
> writer to org-citeproc that would allow rendering citations and
> bibliographies directly, as Pandoc does (since org-citeproc is just a
> small wrapper around pandoc and pandoc-citeproc).

I see.  Very interesting.

>> 4. Example
>> Could you post one of your examples?  I'd love to see the prototype in
>> action to have a proper picture of this.
> A couple of other people (Vaidheeswaran, Aaron Ecay) have posted
> examples in other messages.  Here's an example of a simple Org document
> being processed by org-citeproc:

[ deleted the examples ]

Thank you very much.  These look really nice!

> Note that citations containing multiple references are not supported at
> the moment, but that is coming soon.
> Best,
> Richard

This citation support will make my lock-in into orgmode perfect, I

Thanks again,

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