Hi Andreas,

Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:

>>> 2. The non-LaTeX exports
>>> These are all treated the same and will contain just text, that is
>>> produced to mimic LaTeX's output to some extent?
>> Well, that depends on what you mean by `just' text.  Citations can still
>> contain or be wrapped in markup that is specific to the output format,
>> like span tags or anchor tags in HTML.
> I meant especially link-like functionality in the exported document.
> Just as references in a LaTeX generated PDF can link to the bibliography
> (and back).

I don't see why this couldn't be done, at least in the direction from
link to bibliography entry.  (I don't think the other direction will
work, as the relationship is generally one-many.)  I'll think about the
best way to add this; the problem is adding unique identifiers to
bibliography entries when generating them, which hopefully shouldn't be
too difficult.


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