Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com> writes:

> I was asked to make a diagram and was thinking that dot in org-mode could
> be a good idea.
> I got reasonably fast the following:
> ​    #+BEGIN_SRC dot :file test.svg :cmdline -Kdot -Tsvg
>     graph {
>       utilities [label = "Utility's"]
>       A
>       B
>       C
>       D
>       E
>       F [shape = rectangle]
>       subgraph cluster_resources {
>         color=blue
>         resources [label = "Resources"]
>       }
>       G
>       H
>       I
>       K
>       subgraph cluster_ta {
>         color=blue
>         {rank = same; L, M}
>         L
>         M
>       }
>       {rank = same; D, E, F}
>       A -- F
>       B -- F
>       C -- F
>       A -- D
>       F -- E
>       F -- K
>       F -- G
>       F -- H
>       F -- I
>       K -- L
>       K -- M
>       L -- M
>     }
>     #+END_SRC
> This is a good deal in the right direction, but a few things should be
> different:
> ​- E should be left of F
> - resource should go to the second 'line' without losing its border
> - K should be a 'line' lower
> Are those things possible?

As a last resort, you can edit the svg file.


Thomas S. Dye

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