On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:43 AM, David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've asked this before and I'll probably continue asking as I move in
> and out of using it, but...
> What's the development status of MobileOrg -- particularly on IOS?  From
> what I see, it appears that development is stalled.  My attempts at
> trying to use it show the following:
> * It seems to work even on my iPhone 6 as far as it goes
> * It only seems to support basic viewing and minimal editting

What would you expect/like?

> * The documentation is minimal with few use-case examples

What topics would you like more information about, and can you provide
a use-case you need assistance with?

> * The newsgroups suggest MobileOrg for IOS and Android have diverged

This is old news, and has indeed come up many times here. Google
"mobileorg" and "mobileorg android." Separate web sites, the appending
of "android" after MobileOrg, and separate developer lists for the two
projects is a very good indicator that the two are different. That
said, matburt shows up on both sites, so perhaps he was originally
iPhone and then started his own thing? Not sure if he pulls from
iPhone development.

> * Not too sure how to use it with DropBox

This would require a specific question or details to assist with.

> Who is running MobileOrg and what's its status?

- Who: http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/support/
- Status: http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/development/ and

Regarding all of the questions above, I'd contact the app developers,
as it seems your inquiries relate to phone usage, not anything on the
Org side. From looking at ~/org.git/list/org-mobile.el, Carsten wrote
the tool from the Org-mode side. But again, all of your questions
about inquiries or wishes about the app, which I don't think we can
help with.

>From skimming the mobileorg github site, it doesn't look like anyone's
really "running" it. Their most recent push appears to have been a
year ago.


> --
> David Masterson
> Programmer At Large

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