On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 10:28 PM, David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> wrote:
> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:43 AM, David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I've asked this before and I'll probably continue asking as I move in
>>> and out of using it, but...
>>> What's the development status of MobileOrg -- particularly on IOS?  From
>>> what I see, it appears that development is stalled.  My attempts at
>>> trying to use it show the following:
>>> * It seems to work even on my iPhone 6 as far as it goes
> But will it be going further?  For instance, a Siri interface would be
> really nice (or a general such interface by which a Siri interface could
> be built).

But this was my point in the previous email. I don't know how anyone
on this list will know unless they develop for it. To my knowledge,
they don't and thus you're better off asking the person who might know
(vs. my estimate that those on this list don't).

>>> * It only seems to support basic viewing and minimal editting
>> What would you expect/like?
> I can't (for instance) figure out how to add new items to my outlines
> (both new items and subitems).
>>> * The documentation is minimal with few use-case examples
>> What topics would you like more information about, and can you provide
>> a use-case you need assistance with?
> A walkthrough on:
> 1. Why you would want to "push".
> 2. What exactly happens when you "push".
> 3. How MobileOrg "sees" what has been pushed.
> 4. Sync issues that might occur in the push.
> 5. Why you would want to "pull".
> 6. What exactly happens when you "pull".
> 7. Sync issues that might occur in the pull.
> 8. Safety approaches for #4 and #7.

Submit github issue/request?

> Give a detailed, but high-level, example to ground the above topics.
>>> Who is running MobileOrg and what's its status?
>> - Who: http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/support/
>> - Status: http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/development/ and
>> https://github.com/mobileorg/mobileorg
>> Regarding all of the questions above, I'd contact the app developers,
>> as it seems your inquiries relate to phone usage, not anything on the
>> Org side. From looking at ~/org.git/list/org-mobile.el, Carsten wrote
>> the tool from the Org-mode side. But again, all of your questions
>> about inquiries or wishes about the app, which I don't think we can
>> help with.
>> From skimming the mobileorg github site, it doesn't look like anyone's
>> really "running" it. Their most recent push appears to have been a
>> year ago.
> And that makes it hard to "contact the app developers".  I'm not (yet)
> doing detailed work on it, so I don't want to push them until I have
> something strong to say.  I post my general questions here on the
> assumption that this is the most likely central point that one (or more)
> people using/developing MobileOrg would see and maybe interest would
> perk up.

Right, but that's the nature of open source/free software. Someone
awesome develops some tool X when they have the time/inclination.
That's awesome, until they perhaps don't have the time/inclination
anymore. If any of your questions re. usability/procedures are
answerable, I can definitely see this mailing list as a good avenue to
reach them. In terms of future features or development status, you're
at the mercy of the person who's good will is/was used to provide the

In any case, my primary point is that the developer(s) list their
email addresses right on the various MobileOrg sites... so I don't see
why you wouldn't start there for anything related to development.

Good luck,

> --
> David Masterson
> Programmer At Large

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