On 2015-06-05 Fri 14:27, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Titus von der Malsburg <malsb...@posteo.de> writes:
>> Below is a list of things that I tested.  This list of test cases is
>> probably not exhaustive.
> Thanks.
>> Things that don't work with \verb (produce malformed LaTeX):
>>     #+TITLE: ~test~
>>     #+CAPTION: ~test~
>>     [[/tmp/img.png]]
>>     * ~test~
>>     ** ~test~
>>     …

Thee can be handled by protectedtexttt.  The obvious questions is of
course: Wouldn’t it be more consistent to handle all instances of ~code~
using protectedtexttt?  And if you want to support the use of \verb at
all, shouldn’t that be done via =verbatim= not ~code~?

>> These two did not produce the intended results (sub and super script
>> don’t work) but the LaTeX is not malformed:
>>     test^~test~
>>     test_~test~

This really seems to be an independent issue (because test^*test*
doesn’t work either) but I think it should produce this LaTeX:


But this works, too:



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