On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 01:20:57PM +0200, Suvayu Ali wrote:
> I'm using subtree export to write letters using ox-koma.  Everything
> works except, all the closing statements from different subtrees get
> accumulated when I export one of the subtrees.
> So with the attached Org file, when I export either of the subtrees, I
> get a closing line like this: \closing{Regards, Kind Regards,}.
> This used to work before.  That said, I never found it quite consistent
> when using `#+closing:'.  I would have thought one should use a headline
> like: to, enclosed, etc.
> Is this a bug?

Of course I forgot to attach the file!


Open source is the future. It sets us free.
* letter 1
  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: letter_1.pdf
  :EXPORT_OPTIONS: ':t foldmarks:nil
  :EXPORT_SUBJECT: Some subject
** To                                                                    :to:
Mr. Foo Bar
Some place, Else

** Dear Mr. Bar,
Lots of stuff

#+closing: Regards,

* letter 2
  :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: letter_2.pdf
  :EXPORT_OPTIONS: ':t foldmarks:nil
  :EXPORT_SUBJECT: Some other subject
** To                                                                    :to:
Miss Foo Baz
Some place, Else

** Dear Miss Baz,
Lot more stuff

#+closing: Kind Regards,

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