
Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm using subtree export to write letters using ox-koma.  Everything
> works except, all the closing statements from different subtrees get
> accumulated when I export one of the subtrees.
> So with the attached Org file, when I export either of the subtrees, I
> get a closing line like this: \closing{Regards, Kind Regards,}.

For your purpose you can add an :export_closing: property to your
top-level heading.

* letter 1
  :export_subject: Some subject
  :export_closing: Regards,

> This used to work before.  That said, I never found it quite consistent
> when using `#+closing:'.  I would have thought one should use a headline
> like: to, enclosed, etc.


   * Regards,    :closing:

> Is this a bug?

>From you example, I'd say 'no'.  Keywords are shared.  E.g. if you have

     #+latex_header: my important package

You'd want it to be loaded even when using a subtree.
[OTOH, #+title is changed in subtree export....]


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