On 2015-07-27, at 10:16, Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> wrote:

> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@mbork.pl> writes:
>> I reuse parts of GPL'd code (as I mentioned, quite generic ones, but
>> still).  Is it fine, or should I expect a visit from EFF lawyers or
>> something?
> My guess would be no.  You should ask the FSF lawyers.

You mean like no, it's not fine, or no, they won't come and get me? ;-)

BTW, I'm not really afraid of EFF lawyers.  I just don't want to do
something with the EFF's "owned" code which EFF wouldn't like, even
though I'm not a fan of either EFF or the copyright law in general.
(BTW, AFAIK in my country it is technically impossible to put a work
into public domain anyway.  Or more precisely, there is a way: you just
die and wait fifty years or something.  Frankly speaking, I don't care
too much about how this law works.  Last time I talked to someone (one
of the professors at my faculty) about copyright law, he expressed his
opinion about the need of shooting all lawyers.  I tend to disagree with
him less and less over time. ;-) )

> Rasmus


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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