Eli Zaretskii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Personally, I _never_ want to see backslashes, even when I work in
> CMD.  It makes me saner, since I happen to work simultaneously on
> Unix and on Windows.  I'm sure I'm not the only one.


"Personally, I never want to see those funny accent characters over the
 letters when I type in Czech.  I work simultaneously in English and
 Czech, and the accents confuse me.  Let cmdproxy insert the accents
 for me".

When you're typing "dir" commands, backslashes are for separating
directories and forward slashes are for introducing options - this
will list \p page by page:

  dir \p/p

If cmdproxy is changed to re-write dir commands, you'll be breaking
things for people who expect dir to work like dir works in a regular
cmd.exe window, just like I'd be breaking Czech support for native
Czech speakers with my proposed language mangling.

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