Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm taking advantage of you from a past correspondence.  Hope you
> don't mind.

I don't care a bit. :-)

> How can I turn your code above into an interactive hook that will
> call `ange-ftp-send-cmd' and allow me to type in the needed command?
> Sorry, but my elisp skills are very weak.
> I had in mind something that would allow me to use it like:
> M-x my-ange-ftp-command <RET>
> And then be prompted for a command to send the ftp client

Could you try this?

(defun my-ange-ftp-command ()
  "Send any commands to a ftp process."
  (let ((host (read-from-minibuffer "Host: "))
        (user (read-from-minibuffer "User: "))
        (cmd (read-from-minibuffer "Command: ")))
    (ange-ftp-send-cmd host 
                       (list (make-symbol cmd))
                       (format "Send \"%s\" to %s@%s" cmd user host))

Yuji Yamano

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