On Sep 13, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:

If you were experiencing problems in the past, please get the following
versions and notify me of any new problems:

Everything works for me now.

I also discovered that WordPress and MovableType handle the mt_keywords field differently, so I went with MT's usage. I'll try to implement the
equivilent WP functions.

Currently, things on the 'Keywords:' line in the *weblogger-entry* buffer actually show up in the 'Tags' field of the post (at least with my MT blog). What do you think about having both 'Keywords:' and 'Tags:' lines in the *weblogger-entry* buffer that are mapped to the post field of the same name?

If that sounds like a good idea to you, I think I can whip up a patch that does that pretty quick.

Thanks for the work on this Mark, it's going to make my blogging life much better.


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