Leo <sdl....@gmail.com> writes:

> I tried lisppaste.el from today emacswiki and the bug persists. This was
> tested with Emacs -q.

I can't reproduce this at all.  I've tried “emacs -q -no-site-file”
with Emacs22 and Emacs23.1.50.1 (CVS).

Here is a short test script that you can run from the command line to
verify the problem:

emacs -batch -q -no-site-file --eval '(progn (load-library 
                                       (lisppaste-list-recent-pastes 1)
                                       (message (buffer-string)))'

You'll probably have to replace the paths to lisppaste.el and xml-rpc.el
with the paths to yours, but this will tell us if they are working

For me, this script produces the following output with Emacs22 and
Emacs23 (CVS)

$ sh tmp.sh
Loading /home/mah/.emacs.d/elpa/xml-rpc-1.6.6/xml-rpc.el (source)...
Loading subst-ksc...
Loading subst-gb2312...
Loading subst-big5...
Loading subst-jis...
Loading /home/mah/.emacs.d/elpa/lisppaste-1.5/lisppaste.el (source)...
Warning: defvar ignored because url-http-attempt-keepalives is let-bound
Contacting host: common-lisp.net:8185
Reading [text/xml]... 1k of 1k (100%)
Paste number: 87051
User: muggs
Channel: #mercurial
Title: rebase bug
Date: 2009-09-14
Annotations: 0

If this still fails for you, please send me your lisppaste.el file.




Every day, mindful practice.  When the mind is disciplined, then the
Way can work for us.  Otherwise, all we do is talk of the Way; everything
is just words; and the world will know us as its one great fool.

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