[Sorry for the late reply]

andrea Crotti <andrea.crott...@gmail.com> writes:

> Some time ago I was able to fetch the entries on my 
> wordpress blog..
> Now I tried again and I get the same stupid error:
> Reading [text/xml;charset=utf-8]... 75k of 75k (100%)
> Reading... done.
> date-to-time: Invalid date: 20090410T10:33:22
> I think if I understood it's some library problem, I tried
> to change the time format and other things, but no luck.

This is a problem with old code.  It has been fixed in the code
available from http://bit.ly/2XUkoC (weblogger.el) and
http://bit.ly/3gc7Ei (xml-rpc.el).

Let me know if this solves your problem.



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