Ok, my mailing list delivery was set to 'disabled' so I never got any
replies :). So just replying to what I read in the archives.

I get the issue only with Transmit, when it executes the 'LIST -a'
command. So that may be different than the ls command that seems to be
working for Chris. Interestingly, in the most recent version of
Transmit, the LIST command is no longer used:

"LIST -a" is no longer sent every time regardless of hidden files setting

Since this is a major, paid update, I am still using the older
Transmit that executes the LIST command. Maybe there's a pref setting
that can turn this off, I'll look into that. When I use the command
line ftp, I have no problems, although I have not tried the LIST
command there. I am using OS 10.5.8, on a PPC.

- Koen.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:44 PM, Koen van der Drift
<koenvanderdr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Did you have a chance to look at this? Just tried again, and Transmit still
> won't let me access the emboss ftp site.
> Thanks,
> - Koen.
> On Apr 23, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Chris Dagdigian wrote:
>> In the last few months the open-bio.org servers switched datacenters, IP
>> addresses and firewall/IDS appliances. Lots of juicy things to look at and
>> debug.
>> Koen - if you have a chance can you send me the IP address that you are
>> using to connect from? I might be able to find some relevant log entries
>> with that info.
>> -Chris
>> Koen van der Drift wrote:
>>> Just for the record, it used to work with Transmit, this is only from
>>> the last few months.
>>> - Koen.
>>> On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Chris Dagdigian<d...@sonsorol.org>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Might be an issue with the Juniper Netscreen firewall/IDS security
>>>> appliance
>>>> that sits upstream of the EMBOSS FTP server. I'll take a look at the
>>>> security logs and alerts.
>>>> -Chris
>>>> Koen van der Drift wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> For a while now I am unable to access the emboss ftp site using the OS
>>>>> X
>>>>> client Transmit. Loggin in works fine, but it chokes on the LIST
>>>>> command. I have no problems accessing it from the command line. I have
>>>>> added the output from Transmit below. I don't know if this is a
>>>>> Transmit
>>>>> or emboss issue, but just wanted to let you know.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> - Koen.
>>>>> Transmit 3.6.9 Session Transcript
>>>>> LibNcFTP 3.2.1 (August 13, 2007) compiled for UNIX
>>>>> Uname: Darwin|exile.local|9.8.0|Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15
>>>>> 16:57:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_PPC|Power Macintosh
>>>>> 220: (vsFTPd 2.0.1)
>>>>> Connected to emboss.open-bio.org.
>>>>> Cmd: USER anonymous
>>>>> 331: Please specify the password.
>>>>> Cmd: PASS NcFTP@
>>>>> 230: Login successful.
>>>>> Cmd: TYPE A
>>>>> 200: Switching to ASCII mode.
>>>>> Logged in to emboss.open-bio.org as anonymous.
>>>>> Cmd: SYST
>>>>> 215: UNIX Type: L8
>>>>> Cmd: PWD
>>>>> 257: "/"
>>>>> Cmd: CWD /pub/EMBOSS/fixes
>>>>> 250: Directory successfully changed.
>>>>> Cmd: PWD
>>>>> 257: "/pub/EMBOSS/fixes"
>>>>> Cmd: PASV
>>>>> 227: Entering Passive Mode (208,94,50,58,83,232)
>>>>> Cmd: LIST -a
>>>>> Could not read reply from control connection -- timed out. (SReadline
>>>>> 1)
>>>>> 220: (vsFTPd 2.0.1)
>>>>> Connected to emboss.open-bio.org.
>>>>> Cmd: USER anonymous
>>>>> 331: Please specify the password.
>>>>> Cmd: PASS NcFTP@
>>>>> 230: Login successful.
>>>>> Logged in to emboss.open-bio.org as anonymous.
>>>>> Cmd: SYST
>>>>> 215: UNIX Type: L8
>>>>> Cmd: PWD
>>>>> 257: "/"
>>>>> Cmd: CWD /pub/EMBOSS/fixes
>>>>> 250: Directory successfully changed.
>>>>> Cmd: PWD
>>>>> 257: "/pub/EMBOSS/fixes"
>>>>> Cmd: PASV
>>>>> 227: Entering Passive Mode (208,94,50,58,222,100)
>>>>> Cmd: LIST -a
>>>>> Could not read reply from control connection -- timed out. (SReadline
>>>>> 1)
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