Hi Lionel

Didn't see a reply to you, sorry.

Anyhow, dreg will search the sequence as given.  This is taken as the 
sense/coding/+ strand.

If you specify -sreverse (which is available to any applications that read 
sequences) it will I
think search the reverse complement of that sequence instead.



> Hello fellow EMBOSS fans,
> I am using the dreg program to search the human genome for my favorite
> motif.  I was unable to find any information regarding the meaning of
> the strand information in the output.  Does dreg search both strands or
> will it always return "+" as the strand designation of the hits that it
> finds?
> Thanks for your continued support and development of this fantastic tool!
> Sincerely,
> Lionel "Lee" Brooks 3rd
> Dartmouth Genetics Grad Student
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