Hi guys.

I upgraded my laptop to 10.04 added EMC2 master simulation 
with the buildbot debs no problem.

Then wanted to recompile my existing git versions so used this script:
 # For Ubuntu Hardy Heron (10.04)
 wget http://www.linuxcnc.org/lucid/emc2-install.sh
 chmod 755 emc2-install.sh

I make clean, autogen and configured and got this error:
checking for tcl... /usr/lib/tcl8.5/tclConfig.sh found
checking for tk... /usr/lib/tk8.4/tkConfig.sh found
configure: error: Tcl and Tk versions must be the same, but configure found
Tcl 8.5 and Tk 8.4.  You can use --with-tkConfig= and --with-tclConfig=
to override the autodetected versions.

I check synaptic manager and both versions ok Tk are present
Tk8.4 and dev , Tk8.5 and dev

Suggestions to help configure find the right version?

Thanks Chris M
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