On 17 September 2010 09:16, Slavko Kocjancic <esla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> but with EMC that wil be like that 250,250,250,250, (new servo thread
> calc), 245, 245, 245, 245,....

> I thinking to put stepgen in microcontroller as finding good PC with
> lattency under 15us is not easy.

The Intel Atom mini-ITX boards run at 8uS from a LiveCD installation,
and cost $75

> So base period under 20uS is not likely
> on PC but for $2 microcontroller the 5us is easy reach.

In practice, it is very rarely a problem. Loaded stepper motors very
rarely manage more than 2000rpm for reasons unrelated to drive pulse
smoothness. (at 8x microstepping that is a 20uS pulse time).

If you want finer granularity then both the Pico and Mesa systems
offer that. The Mesa 7i43 plugs into a parallel port and offers 48 IO
pins and hardware stepgen at (IIRC) MHz resolution. More expensive
than your $2 uController at $79, but then it is already supported by
EMC2 so will "Just Work". The same is true of the Pico PPMC cards, I
believe, but I am less familiar with them.

However, this still doesn't really help with the issue that seems to
be bugging you, that the step rate only change every Servo Period. I
am afraid that is not likely to be easy to change, as the floating
point motion calculations take time, and can only be run in the slow

However, why not start off with your system running off the P-Port and
see if there is a genuine issue? My axes max out at somewhere around
30mm/sec for reasons related to voltage and motor inductance,  so
<calculate> that is 720rpm from the motors, or a minimum step time of
100uS at x4 microstepping. I do actually have a 7i43 card so step
timing granularity is not an issue and did not see any improvement in
rapid speed compared to the p-port only system (I made the switch to
get more IO pins)


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