> In addition to my concerns there, the problem with updating is simple
> to explain.  When someone has a custom glade file in their
> configuration directory, and changes to the touchy python assume
> changes in the glade, their configuration will break.  They will have
> to redo their changes in glade, starting with a fresh glade file,
> every time the distributed glade file changes.
> The python source and the glade file need to progress in lock-step to
> work.  Maintaining this and making the user do the equivalent of a
> manual merge of the two divergent glade files whenever we want to add
> any functionality to touchy is a heavy burden to put on the user and
> the poor devels trying to support him.

yes this is true they would have to re edit their glade file.
mostly cut and paste.
I don't really see a large burden with that. We try not  to do 
major changes between major releases.
besides that would be a choice the user makes. Edit the glade
file means you must maintain it after updates. Use Embedded
tabs - don't worry about updates. 
As for devs supporting users - it is pretty simple.
Erase the glade file. If touchy works then the glade file needs
> > I might add that your command: 
> > xterm -into {XID} -rv -fn
> > ...
> > Where loading a gladefile modifying it then saving it is more
> > user friendly.
> It's a cute trick that shows how flexible the scheme is.  In a more
> typical case, the command line would be one that makes a vcp panel.
> It is no more complicated than a loadusr line in a hal file is.
Actually loadusr is cryptic. You have no idea how many hours I spent
with classicladder and pyvcp trying to get them to load/work properly when 
I started. It's easy for us devs to forget how much one must learn all at 
once to configure EMC.

> Glade files are fragile because of their interdependence with the rest
> of the source code regarding things like widget names.  I think you
> greatly overestimate the extent to which modifying a screen (without
> breaking it) in glade is easy and user-friendly.  I know you're an
> experienced user of glade.

Well this may be true. By user friendly I meant point and click.
It would not take long to write a page about how to stay out of major
trouble when modifying Touchy.

> > Why not have both options? embedding and custom glade files?
> Because I think the problems the custom diverging glade file scheme
> will cause are onerous and will be a pain in the neck for users and
> those supporting them (especially me).

Yes I guess we just disagree about that. There would be problems I just
don't think end-of-the-world pain. :)
> Pavel's changes cause EXACTLY NONE of these problems that worry me.
> His changes give almost as much flexibility without causing the
> fragility and merge problems.
> Chris

His changes only allows multiple tabs on the main notebook I think.
This is allows some pretty damn cool things ( that my patch can not )
and is enough for most people but is no where near as flexible as 
directly editing the glade file.

Anyways since there is no interest for my changes I will drop it.

BTW while testing all this I gotta say Touchy is nicely intuitive.
Add a preview tab then its an alternative to AXIS even with out
a touch screen.

Cheers Chris M
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