Chris Radek wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 11:45:49AM -0500, Jon Elson wrote:
>> Yeah, I put in my two cents for a version of Touchy with the Axis 
>> preview, and was voted down,
>> at the CNC Workshop.  
> I don't remember any kind of argument or especially vote about this -
It wasn't that formal, but I DID ask, and I'm pretty sure you said you 
weren't going to do it.

> sometimes I'd like to have it, sometimes not.  The problem is it would
> take a lot more than two cents worth of effort to do it...
I don't dispute that at ALL, and I can also believe there are some good 
arguments that
a version of Touchy should exist that has no need for openGL at all, so 
it can be run
on graphics cards that don't support it.
> I think having the program preview and the live cone, pan/zoom/rotate
> (somehow with left button only) and none of the backplot stuff would
> be the way to go.  I'm not sure whether all touch screens will give
> you dragging.  There may be some that only give you left click.
The only one that I have used I think uses keyboard buttons like shift 
and alt to
select which "mouse button" is being used.
> If not on top, it should stop updating.  Ideally it wouldn't even be
> generated unless you switch to it.  I like how fast touchy can open
> programs without it.
> It would be nice if it were completely optional so touchy would
> still run on machines lacking opengl.
OK, I already said that above, so I agree.


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