> >     http://emergent.unpy.net/files/sandbox/pid-trad.png
> >     http://emergent.unpy.net/files/sandbox/pid-bettervel.png
> > (green/cyan trace: cmd, fb; purple trace: feedback-deriv from encoder
> > based on timestamps; tan trace: pid error; scales all the same as before)
> >
> > Note that with encoder.0.scale=6000, a 1-count error is 166u, so the
> > following went from "all over the map" to "+-2 counts".
> >
> > Both screenshots use the same pid tuning parameters.  Only the source of
> > the feedback derivative (velocity) differs.
> >   
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 08:29:52PM -0500, Jon Elson wrote:
> I am a bit confused as to why the following error goes from about
> .0015" (off scale) to .0002".

I'm not sure why myself.  I am nearly certain the only thing I changed
between the two captures was the use of the software encoder's velocity
output.  I suspect that under the traditional pid setup and with a real
machine this is the kind of tuning that is simply *so* bad that you'd
immediately e-stop it and lower something (namely the Dgain).  Why it
behaves specifically like you see in the graph, I'd be reluctant to

> The change in the feedback-deriv is exactly as expected, and what I
> was looking for, all those nasty sampling time induced spikes are
> gone.  At the particular velocity Jeff tested this at, the spikes are
> about equal to the velocity, for a signal-noise ratio of 1:1, which is
> certainly a BAD situation for a control loop.  In the second trace,
> there is still (I think) some position quantization, which is
> unavoidable, but it is VASTLY better than without the correction.
> So, I think this proves that this is something that I should continue
> on.

Indeed.  I chose the velocity to be well under 2 counts per servo cycle
(but still in the realm where velocity estimation is very good) in the
hopes of making the old code look as *BAD* as possible.

> I wonder if we could get this committed to the development head?  It
> could either be a different component, or a command-line option to the
> standard PID component.

Actually, the modified pid is intended to be entirely compatible with
the original pid without any ini/hal changes.  The way I accomplish this
is a little bit gross (it treads on a hal implementation detail, the
"dummysig") but it means less disruption or duplication of code (at_pid,
I'm looking at you!).

> The UPC firmware has what I believe are the requisite functions.
> There is a 16-bit timestamp running at 1 MHz, and a 16-bit latch that
> records the timestamp at each encoder transition.  If I can get this
> working, I will then add the function to the UPC and PPMC boards.

Cool!  I recall that with hostmot2 it took a number of iterations on the
driver side to deal fully with direction reversals and counter overflows
in all the corner cases, but the timestamp is the basic building block
that makes the high-quality velocity estimae possible.


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