Kirk Wallace <> writes:

>It may be that an Arduino could do this, but my impression is that there
>aren't enough AVR pins coming out to where one could get to them. The
>price of the smaller Arduino's seems to fit my plan though.

The RepRap and MakerBot use a different AVR chip that has a dozen more
GPIO pins (search for "sanguino"), but is still cheaper than the
Arduino "mega" (which has a whole lot of pins).

Colin Kingsbury <> writes:

>The GRBL project (which I think is a one-man show) made an Arduino-based
>machine controller (albeit using native AVR code) that not only generates
>steps but actually interprets g-code with a single board. The PC is
>basically just a tape drive, drip-feeding gcode. This approach seems silly
>to me, kind of like pushing your car down the street rather than using the

His motivation was to be able to use his regular laptop (which lacks a
parallel port), instead of having to keep a "hulking giant" obsolete PC
around just to run the machine. Note that the smaller desktop-sized CNC
machines aren't much bigger than a traditional desktop PC, so
eliminating the extra PC reduces the footprint quite a bit. And a lot
of people use laptops exclusively these days, so they don't have old 
desktop machines laying around.

I've thought about modifying his code to read the g-code off an SD
card, eliminating the PC entirely. Unfortunately I have several other
projects that I need to finish first.

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