Viesturs Lācis wrote:
> 2011/10/20 Kirk Wallace <>:
>> To take a more anti-NML approach, it
>> might be argued that extremely few EMC2 machines are in production
>> environments or even on a network. It seems EMC2 might benefit greatly
>> by optimizing it for a single computer/user hobby shop context.
> I totally disagree on this point!
Yes, I know that there are several users who use EMC this way for a 
variety of reasons.
All my machines are on the net (behind a firewall). While I don't have a 
NEED to run EMC remotely,
I have done it a couple of times when wanting to see the Axis screen and 
a web browser
at the same time on my big desktop monitor, for instance. Others have a 
lot more
important reasons to do this. Don't assume that because such uses are 
not discussed
on the various fora that there are not serious people using EMC in work 
cells or
other complex environments where this kind of connectivity is crucial to 
> With my recent experience of using EMC2 on advanced industrial
> machines - welding robot arm, 2-spindle special purpose wood mill and
> others, I have learned that EMC2 should take (also) the opposite route
> - back to its origins, where EMC was part of larger control system.
> Capability of synchronizing different EMC instances would provide
> substantial benefit in following ways:
I wasn't going to mention this, but this topic HAS come up a number of 
times, and
there were pretty serious projects involved. I'm not sure true 
like coordinated axis moves could be done this way, but making sure multiple
machine parts didn't interfere should be possible.


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