I believe a clear documented and up-to-date mandate would help immensely.

We seem to be direction and somewhat leaderless at the moment.
luckily EMC has thrived do to each individuals interest.

But as pointed out that can not work with big and fundamental changes.

It seems communication has become spotty.
I don't remember any announcement or written agenda for 2.5 stabilization
or release. In the past this was standard affair (even if not followed exactly 
it creates a rough deadline which creates motivation).

Documentation changes seemed rushed and then are not finished with out
much indication of when or why or who.

We may have missed opportunities such as the jerk limited TP that a fork
has produced. Is this due to the fact few know how the deep internals of EMC
work and the ones who do don't need it? Is that an acceptable reason?
Should we work towards documenting them again ? Which would 
require the top dogs to at least rough it out ... :) This would also help us
to bring new people up to speed particularly when key players start to
find other things to use up their time ( it will happen of course) 

A clear path of where we want to go allows people to pick up the work they 
are interested in while not wasting effort on code that will never be included
do to it not moving us in the right direction. Beleive me it sucks to spend
a fair amount of time on work to find out that it was never gonna be accepted
do to someone else's arbitrary design idea that you have no idea about.

In my mind I would like to see work towards more consistency - ie pin naming
and GUI HAL stuff.
I think giving the user the ability to radically change the GUI look would help
EMC's popularity ( my original idea behind gladeVCP)

To some it up it seems EMC has gotten pretty far without a lot of planning
imagine where it could go with a rough road map !

Chris M
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