Kent,yes, your comments are relevant and helps a lot.

I deleted all references to latexmath in the French translation,
because it breaks the CSS for all the file for only a few formulas.
By following your previous advice, readability is excellent, even
without latexmath.

There are only two files to be translated into French, then I will
take each file to make more homogeneous the asciidoc style.
In my opinion, gladvcp.txt file is the finest of all. I will adopt his style.

For the navigation links "up", "next", and "previous" problem, it's a
big gap in the pages of documentation.
I have no competence to resolve it.

Thank you for help

2011/12/6 Kent A. Reed <>:
> Gentle persons:
> I know dealing with the V2.5 documentation issues is like being
> subjected to water torture, but they're still with us.
> Concerning the HTML style, here's some issues that came to mind as I
> compared just one section, Kinematics, between V2.4
> (motion_kinematics.html) and V2.5 (motion/kinematics.html).
> 1. the lack of navigation links "up", "next", and "previous" (if not the
> first) at the top of the documents. Francis touched on this recently.
> The new style does not provide for their use so whether or not we are
> generating the cross references file is moot.
> 2. each HTML document has its own table of contents section at the
> beginning---which isn't being generated, at least in the Kinematics
> document, there's just the place keeper text "table of contents"---but
> no list of figures section, and no index section at the end. Truthfully,
> I never found the list of figures or index very useful, but I don't
> remember any discussion whether to continue using them.
> 3. The markup for footnotes is not being acted on properly. The material
> is rendered at the place it occurs instead than being placed in a
> footnotes section at the end of the document and linked to from the text.
> 3. there are defects in the new presentation style---presumably defined
> in one or more .css files.
> 3a. "class=mathblock" sections are not centered on the page
> 3b. "class=literalblock" sections are not indented
> 3c. "class=imageblock" sections are not centered on the page as they
> should for figure placement, at least.
> 3d. "class=title" sections are not centered on the page, as they should
> be for figure captions, at least.
> 3e. tt (teletype) font is not displayed as tt font
> 4. the document numbering style has changed. In V2.4, this Kinematics
> document itself was 1., its Introduction was 1.1, etc. In V2.5, the
> introduction is 1., etc. I'm fine with this but it's a change.
> 5. And, of course, the problems of latexmath I identified previously. In
> addition to the awkward alignment of the latexmath png files, there are
> places where associated text is being lost. See, for example, in 3.1 of
> the Kinematics section, there's a mysterious loss of ", likewise"
> between "we can easily see that AD**2 = x**2 + y**2" and "BD**2 = (Bx -
> y)**2 + y**2".
> I hate just throwing these observations over the fence for someone else
> to deal with, but current events in my life don't give me the quality
> time I need to examine and propose changes to the appropriate style
> sheets and transformation processes. I'm getting bits of time here and
> there.
> I can only apologize and hope these observations help the transition
> process.
> Regards,
> Kent
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
> This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of
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