On Sat, 17 Dec 2011, Chris Morley wrote:

> Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 03:40:27 +0000
> From: Chris Morley <chrisinnana...@hotmail.com>
> Reply-To: EMC developers <emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: EMC DEV <emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-developers] hostmot2 repository questions.
>> I think we need to expand the scope of the question.
>> Ideally I think we need to test-load every firmware with the attached
>> hardware, interrogate that hardware and produce a pin list.
> Do you mean live interrogation inside of PNCconf?
> If you do, is this possible besides for the newest sserial cards?
> This also would limit one to configuring only for hardware one had on hand,
> which may not be a huge problem ( I don't like it cause its hard to test 
> changes )
> Or do you mean having a halcmd program that interrogates the system that
> would create, for instance an XML file that PNCconf could use from there on?
> The nice thing about the manual selection way is self-discovery, one can 
> select
> each firmware and quickly see the differences without knowing anything about
> them.
>> The current system is an ongoing commitment for the pncconf maintainer.
>> This is especially inelegant now that the smart-serial cards all
>> auto-declare themselves.
> Yes you and Peter have kept me pretty busy!
> As far as mainboard firmware it would be nice if Peter could add his new 
> firmware
> to the repo or if he could somehow produce XML files at least.
>> I have always assumed that this would need changes to Hostmot2, but
>> actually it might be possible to do it all through halcmd.
> Chris M

What about a tool that dumps all hal pins/parameters in xml format?
(kind of like halrun: show pin)

This way you deal with HAL objects not physical pins (which are more 
universal = hardware agnostic)

Seb I found the encoder problem (same problem drove me nuts with the resolver 
interface) Short answer to problem is dont use ISE/WebPack version 9.2. 10.1 
is OK.

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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