Gentle persons:

In reviewing the 2.5 documentation I came to realize that neither the docs nor the web/wiki site gives proper attribution to foundational documents from NIST, although there are tips of the hat to NIST as the originator of the EMC project and there are brief mentions of "the NIST document" etc. After all, I can draw a straight line from some parts of NIST documents to sections of the current EMC2 documentation.

I would think as a minimum we would have an entry for

1) the last paper by Tom Kramer, et al., on the RS274NGC Interpreter, which is a de facto public-domain definition of RS274NGC and has great artwork.

The formal reference:

Kramer, Thomas R.; Proctor, Frederick M.; Messina, E.; The NIST RS274NGC Interpreter - Version 3; NISTIR 6556; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899; August 2000.

As of today, it can be found at

2) a description of NML, perhaps drawing from the list at http:// I don't know which is the right choice. It wouldn't hurt to include something about RCS and the distributed manufacturing environment that was the goal of all this work, given our RCSLIB heritage.

Since these works are not subject to copyright, we could even post copies directly on our site (with proper citation or course) for the convenience of the EMC2 community.

And, yes, I'm a retired NIST guy, but not from the manufacturing technology program, who likes to see its good works acknowledged properly.


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