Gentle persons:

In reviewing the V2.5 documentation I have noticed again and  again two 
issues of style which may not get fixed in this cycle but which are on 
my long-term list of things to do.

Both of this issues arose in looking at the HTML version so it is 
certainly possible they will appear similarly, differently, or not at 
all in the PDF version..

1. The placement of block items such as figures and tables.

It would seem that in many places figures and tables are left-justified 
on the page but at least some figures (and maybe tables, I can't 
remember now) are centered horizontally. Captions, when present, seem 
always to be left-justified.

 From a brief review of one .html file containing centered figures, I 
believe I understand the formatting construct that made the centering 
happen. I have not had time to dig into the Asciidoc sources and our 
style files to understand how that formatting construct came to be 
emitted in some cases. Similarly, I don't yet know what is required to 
produce centered captions.

2. The resolution of hyperlinks to sections in the parts.

My mental model of browsing hyperlinked documents includes the notion 
that a hyperlink labeled "See the XYZ section" should take me to a page 
displayed such that the section title line lies at the top of the 
display window. Many, but not all, such hyperlinks in the EMC2 
documentation instead take me to a page displayed such that the first 
line of the body of the section lies at the top of the display window; 
the section title is out of the display window. In some cases, this 
leads to "where am I" confusion.

I have not had time to explore this issue. Just today, I found in one of 
the parts I reviewed a perfect case of two hyperlinks side-by-side which 
displayed the two different behaviors but I forgot to write it down. 
When I find it again, I'll use it to figure out how to implement a 
consistent style.


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