Hello everyone,

I have an 6 dof anthropomorphic robot like Puma but without spherical wirst. I 
have written my new kinematic editing pumakins.c and using the standard 
equations for a anthropomorphic manipulator (3 DOF) plus direct expressions 
like a trivial kinematics for the lastest 3 DOF. I wanted to separate 3 and 3 

Now when I run emc2 and I switch on world mode, I have a "following error" and 
the software is stopped. It seems that the robot searches some position without 
that I move the robot.
Which could be the problem? I think that it may be a conflict between home and 
inverse kinematics.  How they relate?
I attached my files here.


* Description: armkins.c
*   Kinematics for antropomorphic manipulator 3R
* Author: Francesca
* License: GPL Version 2
* System: Linux
* Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved.
* Last change:

#include "rtapi_math.h"
#include "posemath.h"
#include "armkins.h"
#include "kinematics.h"             /* decls for kinematicsForward, etc. */
#include "rtapi.h"              /* RTAPI realtime OS API */
#include "rtapi_app.h"          /* RTAPI realtime module decls */
#include "hal.h"

int kinematicsForward(const double * joint,
                      EmcPose * world,
                      const KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags,
                      KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags)

   double s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6;
   double c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6;
   double s23;
   double c23;
   double sumSq, k;
   PmHomogeneous hom;
   PmPose worldPose;

   /* Calculate sin of joints for future use */
   s1 = sin(joint[0]*PM_PI/180.0);
   s2 = sin(joint[1]*PM_PI/180.0);
   s3 = sin(joint[2]*PM_PI/180.0);
   s4 = sin(joint[3]*PM_PI/180.0);
   s5 = sin(joint[4]*PM_PI/180.0);
   s6 = sin(joint[5]*PM_PI/180.0);

   /* Calculate cos of joints for future use */
   c1 = cos(joint[0]*PM_PI/180.0);
   c2 = cos(joint[1]*PM_PI/180.0);
   c3 = cos(joint[2]*PM_PI/180.0);
   c4 = cos(joint[3]*PM_PI/180.0);
   c5 = cos(joint[4]*PM_PI/180.0);
   c6 = cos(joint[5]*PM_PI/180.0);

   s23 = c2 * s3 + s2 * c3;
   c23 = c2 * c3 - s2 * s3;

   /* Dimensione dei links L1=245.0 L2=190.0 L3=190.0 */
   /* Definizione della prima colonna della matrice di rotazione */
   hom.rot.x.x = c1 * c23;
   hom.rot.x.y = s1 * c23;
   hom.rot.x.z = s23;

   /* Definizione della seconda colonna della matrice di rotazione */
   hom.rot.y.x = -c1 * s23;
   hom.rot.y.y = -s1 * s23;
   hom.rot.y.z = c23;

   /* Definizione della terza colonna della matrice di rotazione */
   hom.rot.z.x = s1;
   hom.rot.z.y = -c1;
   hom.rot.z.z = 0.0;

   /* Definizione della posizione del vettore */
   hom.tran.x = c1 * (190.0 * c2 + 190.0 * c23);
   hom.tran.y = s1 * (190.0 * c2 + 190.0 * c23);
   hom.tran.z = 190.0 * s2 + 190.0 * s23 + 245.0;

   /* Definizione delle singolarità e delle flags  */

   sumSq = (hom.tran.x * hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y * hom.tran.y + hom.tran.z * 
hom.tran.z - 190.0 * 190.0 - 190.0 * 190.0 ) / (2.0 * 190.0 * 190.0);
   k = sqrt(1.0 - sumSq * sumSq);

   /* reset flags */
   *iflags = 0;

   /* Setta la singolarità di spalla */
   if (fabs(joint[0]*PM_PI/180.0 - atan2(hom.tran.y, hom.tran.x)) < FLAG_FUZZ)
     *iflags |= SINGOL_SPALLA;

   /* Setta la singolarità di gomito */
   if (fabs(joint[2]*PM_PI/180 - atan2(sumSq, k)) < FLAG_FUZZ)
      *iflags |= SINGOL_GOMITO;

   /* convert hom.rot to world->quat */
   pmHomPoseConvert(hom, &worldPose);
   world->tran = worldPose.tran;
   world->a = joint[3];
   world->b = joint[4];
   world->c = joint[5];

   /* return 0 and exit */
   return 0;

int kinematicsInverse(const EmcPose * world,
                      double * joint,
                      const KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags,
                      KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags)
   PmHomogeneous hom;
   PmPose worldPose;
   int singular;

   double t1, t2, t3;
   double k;
   double sumSq;

   double th1;
   double th3;
   double th23;
   double th2;
   double th4;
   double th5;
   double th6;

   double s1, c1;
   double s2, c2;
   double s3, c3;
   double s23, c23;
   double s4, c4;
   double s5, c5;
   double s6, c6;

   /* reset flags */
   *fflags = 0;

   /* convert pose to hom */
   worldPose.tran = world->tran;
   joint[3] = world->a;
   joint[4] = world->b;
   joint[5] = world->c;
   pmPoseHomConvert(worldPose, &hom);

   /* Joint 1 (2 independent solutions) */

 if (*iflags & SINGOL_SPALLA){
     th1 = atan2(hom.tran.y, hom.tran.x);
     th1 = PM_PI + atan2(hom.tran.y, hom.tran.x);

   /* save sin, cos for later calcs */
   s1 = sin(th1);
   c1 = cos(th1);

   /* Joint 3 (2 independent solutions) */

   c3 = (hom.tran.x * hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y * hom.tran.y + hom.tran.z * 
hom.tran.z - 190.0 * 190.0 - 190.0 * 190.0 ) / (2.0 * 190.0 * 190.0);

 if (*iflags & SINGOL_GOMITO){
     s3 = sqrt(1.0 - c3 * c3); 
     s3 = -sqrt(1.0 - c3 * c3); 
   th3 = atan2(s3,c3);

   /* Joint 2 */

   s2 = ((190.0 + 190.0 * c3) * hom.tran.z - 190.0 * s3 * sqrt(hom.tran.x * 
hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y * hom.tran.y)) / (hom.tran.x * hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y 
* hom.tran.y + hom.tran.z * hom.tran.z);
   c2 = ((190.0 + 190.0 * c3) * sqrt(hom.tran.x * hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y * 
hom.tran.y) + 190.0 * s3 * hom.tran.z) / (hom.tran.x *hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y * 
hom.tran.y + hom.tran.z * hom.tran.z);
   th2 = atan2(s2,c2);   

   /* copy out */
   joint[0] = th1*180.0/PM_PI;
   joint[1] = th2*180.0/PM_PI;
   joint[2] = th3*180.0/PM_PI;

   return 0;

int kinematicsHome(EmcPose * world,
                   double * joint,
                   KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags,
                   KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags)
  /* use joints, set world */
  return kinematicsForward(joint, world, fflags, iflags);

KINEMATICS_TYPE kinematicsType()


int comp_id;
int rtapi_app_main(void) {
    comp_id = hal_init("armkins");
    if(comp_id > 0) {
        return 0;
    return comp_id;

void rtapi_app_exit(void) { hal_exit(comp_id); }
* Description: armkins.h
*   Kinematics for armdroid robot
*   D
* Author: 
* License: GPL Version 2
* System: Linux
* Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved.
* Last change:
* This is the header file to accompany armkins.c.  
#ifndef ARM_H
#define ARM_H

#define SINGULAR_FUZZ 0.000001
#define FLAG_FUZZ     0.000001

/* flags for inverse kinematics */
#define SINGOL_SPALLA       0x01
#define SINGOL_GOMITO       0x02

#endif /* ARM_H */
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