I'm not sure I understand all this.  Isn't kmail the kde email client? 
As far as I know you have to install that yourself because it does not 
come on the Ubuntu liveCD, which the LinuxCNC liveCD is based on.  If 
you install Kubuntu it might be installed, but I don't know because I've 
never used Kubuntu.


On 07/18/2012 09:49 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings;
> Kmail upchucked yesterday, from an inability to deal with mailfiles beyond
> 2Gb in size.
> During my recovery of all those emails after converting my inbox to a
> maildir format, I found the reason that kmail has been an utter dawg since
> I'd installed from that cd.  So much of a dawg that I even ripped it out
> and re-installed it several times because it was freezing while I was
> typing for anywhere from 5 seconds to a whole minute.  That is a trademark
> of running kmail so it has to do its own mail fetching from the ISP, and do
> iots own spamassassin & clamav filtering, but it never dawned on me to
> check because I do all that stuff with scripts that are basically fetchmail
> driven, and kmail only has to pull from /var/spool/mail, with even that
> triggered by a dbus signal when a file in that directory has been closed.
> Kmail can pull, sort to folder and dispose of a megabyte or more in perhaps
> .25 seconds, so one never notices a stall of /14 second.
> So, while I am re-importing that 2+Gib mailfile after converting inbox to
> maildir format, its slow, as in about 1 message every 2 seconds!
> Then, looking at htops output, I see spamd, spamassassin -L, bogofilter and
> clamav eating up cpu like they've not been fed in 2 weeks.  WTF?  Fetchmail
> is at that point shut down and there has been no incoming mail to disturb
> kmail's recovery efforts for several hours, so why the heck is spamassassin
> et all chewing up cpu cores like crazy?
> I managed to get kmail's attention and open the filters menu, where at
> about 50 filters down from the top, I find a a bunch, about 5 I think,
> filters setup to scan all incoming mail, and I DIDN'T WRITE THEM.  Deleting
> the lot of them, kmail's importation sped up about 40x, and I soon had over
> 20,000 mails in the inbox, but then kmail ran up against the same filesize
> problem since that file it was importing was about 400 megs over 2Gib.
> So cleaned out the inbox again, and ran split on that file with 1Gb output
> files.  mv'd and moved the xaa file to 'gene' and fired up kmail.  It
> imported that gig of mail in 2 hours or less, ditto for the next gig, and
> finally the last piece.
> There are lots better ways to handle spam than asking kmail to do it.  Do
> it before kmail ever sees the incoming data stream and kmail is then a 100%
> usable email agent, not a dawg with 4 busted legs.
> If you have any control over this for the next install cd respin, please
> remove those filters from the default kmail install.  If anyone needs help
> setting things up to work like I'm doing, please yelp, I have some scripts
> that run in the background that do all that FOR kmail (or any other email
> agent for that matter), and if your favorite email agent has a dbus port it
> can accept commands on, it should also benefit from "Gene's Way".
> All you need to do is ask.
> FWIW, rtai-3.9 was released today, claims to support up to, and
> with the bfs scheduler patch too if its compatible with rtai, that is one
> sweet kernel.  The interactivity between the machine and the user has to be
> experienced to be believed it can be that good.  The character you are
> typing is on screen by the time your finger makes the key hit the bottom of
> its stroke.
> Cheers, Gene

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