On 06/03/2013 10:12 PM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> The current modbus situation in master works, but is slightly wonky.  We 
> have four programs that use modbus, and they use three separate modbus 
> implementations:
>      gs2_vfd uses an old version of libmodbus that we forked into our
>      repo in 2008 and then applied some bugfixes to over the years
>      vfs11_vfd and mb2hal use libmodbus v3, but that version is only
>      packaged for Precise, not for Lucid or Hardy, so we don't Build-
>      Depend on it, and these components are not included in our debs
>      classicladder has its own internal modbus code
> I've backported libmodbus5 (version 3.0.1, what's currently in Precise) 
> to Lucid and Hardy, and compiled debs for i386 and amd64.  Source and 
> binary debs are here:  http://highlab.com/~seb/linuxcnc/libmodbus/

Great!  This is important to my goal of getting LinuxCNC into an
official Fedora package.  Fedora Packaging Guidelines (and DFSG too, I
believe?) require that libraries be un-bundled except for in very rare
circumstances.  (And this reminds me to start the Fedora review process
for my own libmodbus packages.)

Classicladder is a funny case.  I understand it's a more or less heavily
modified version of the upstream project, and because the changes are
perhaps too specific for LinuxCNC or whatever other reason, they have
not been accepted by upstream?

If that's the case, then it may qualify for a special exception to the
'no bundled libraries' rule, but it'll take a bit of work to get the
exception approved.


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