LinuxCNC 2.5 has served us well since April 2012 and has proved to be 
very stable and reliable.  But while machines have been running and 
people have been happily making parts with our stable releases, 
developers have added lots of cool new features to the master 
development branch:

     * g-code remapping

     * gscreen & gmoccapy user interfaces

     * several new hardware drivers and software components

     * probably other stuff i'm forgetting at the moment

I'm planning to fork a new branch soon to start stabilizing for the 2.6 


Think about what new features you want to get into the 2.6 release, and 
let me know what your plans/desires are.  I want to make the new stable 
branch this month some time: anything you can have ready and reasonably 
stable in that time frame is welcome.

I ask that you save any new features that are going to take 
significantly longer for the next release (2.7).  Bugfixes will always 
be welcome, of course.

Outstanding feature branches that I'd really like to see merged before I 
fork 2.6 are the new RTOS support and possibly joints_axes3.  I have 
very little experience with either, I'd appreciate feedback from anyone 
who has run these branches on whether or not they're appropriately ready.


I'll be making a 2.6.0~pre1 release shortly after creating the new 
release branch.  This will *NOT* be a well-proven stable release, it 
will be a highly experimental pre-release!

I'll send out an email at that time asking for brave testers who don't 
mind a little pain and bug-reporting.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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