On 06/07/13 11:23, emc-developers-request@lists.    sourceforge.net wrote:
> Think about what new features you want to get into the 2.6 release, and
> let me know what your plans/desires are.  I want to make the new stable
> branch this month some time: anything you can have ready and reasonably
> stable in that time frame is welcome.

Can I suggest a review of the outstanding feature requests on Source Forge

I submitted a quite simple patch to extend pyvcp_widgets in April, but 
because it is not assigned to anyone
I have had no feedback since then

I don't know how many other submissions are in a similar position.

The patch may well not be in a format preferred, since it is heavily 
annotated to make clear where changes
were made, but this and any other deficiencies can easily be amended if 

There are several people on the forum using the patched file quite 
happily, as a lot of users would like a bit more
functionality to simple panels, without having to get into the 
complexities of gladevcp.


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