Peter C. Wallace wrote:
> Probabaly the toughtest part is finding documentation
> Looks like the Key is the IBA = Interface Bus Adapter perhaps a 3-531-4370
> Lacking any manual or protocol info, its probably not a
> big deal to reverse engineer its communication hardware and protocol
Oh, for the days of the Allen-Bradley 7320, where the theory manual is a
course on digital electronics and a service tech course on how the thing
works in immense detail, and then there is a companion schematics book
that is even bigger.  Totally amazing.  This might be from an old enough
vintage that there are similar documents.  Also, if there is a controller
module in the rack, it may be possible to remove it, solder some wires to
the back of that module's connector, and take over the control of the
rack.  The protocol at that level is probably dirt simple, like one wire
to each slot to select it, a digital bus of however many I/O pins are on
each module, and a read and write strobe.  You could probably get
a BeagleBone to control it very easily, then you just need some
protocol to remote the I/O functions to it.


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