We're happy to announce the "Unified Build" branch for general testing. This 
branch has been in limited preview for a while, and numerous positive reports 
have come in, so we think it is good to go for wider evaluation. 

We consider this a merge candidate for the 2.6 release.

In a nutshell:

what it does: 
build LinuxCNC such that it runs unchanged on any kernel found on the build 
platform (even multiple versions): RTAI, Xenomai, RT-Preempt, or vanilla - only 
reboot into new kernel required. No configuration changes to existing configs 
should be necessary. Runs on x86, amd64, and ARM platforms (beaglebone and 
Raspberry tested).

what it contains:
This branch contains all of master as of yesterday, and the unified binary 
support code which has been in development over the last year.

does it move metal:
positively yes.

how to try it
we do not have packages as of yet - you need to build from source. Whatever 
kernel you happen to be running is fine if you have the linux-headers pkg 

Follow the steps outlined in section 3 to build: 
http://static.mah.priv.at/public/html/common/UnifiedBuild.html#_installation , 
then run your configuration as usual.

I dont want to read this darn documentation, just try it
cd src && ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && sudo make setuid && . 
../scripts/rip-environment && linuxcnc

how to report problems
please get yourself a github account if you dont have one, and create new 
issues here, or comment on existing ones: 

more information about this branch:
The documentation contains sections on the history, intent and principles of 
operation: http://static.mah.priv.at/public/html/common/UnifiedBuild.html

We would like to thank all testers and contributors who have been suffering 
through the early stages of this effort, and have provided valuable feedback.

for the authors,

- Michael 
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