Quoth Sebastian Kuzminsky <s...@highlab.com>
>Let me see if i understand your situation.  Your setup is this:
>You're using Axis as your GUI, and you're using a jog pendant.  The 
>pendant uses halui to jog the machine, and can trigger MDI commands for 
>things like Z touch-off.
>Sometimes when you pick up the pendant, LinuxCNC is in the wrong mode 
>and you can't jog using your pendant.

...or run the MDI for z-touchoff. Yes.

>Look at the halui-jit-manual branch on git.linuxcnc.org...

Ummmm..  It runs and halui.mode.is-xxx seems to flip with <F3><F5>.

Using sim_pin, I poke halui.mode.manual/mdi and they work as expected in
halui...  but Axis doesn't flip tabs (unlike Dewey's patch posted
earlier when applied to 'normal' axis....  errr hold on...  that patch
is in this branch already...  now I'm even more confused).

Halui and Axis still get out of sync but at least the 'magic' flip back
to manual when a keyboard jogging key it hit works (only playing in sim

>I know of two problems with that branch:
>1. It breaks jogwheel jogging somehow (motion no longer responds to 

Well that certainly does 'fix' my issue of being in the wrong mode when
trying to use my pendant jogwheel.  Do you work for Micro$oft?  :-) :-)

>Does this new behavior address your issue?  

When working, yes I think it will.  I can detect and flip modes via
halui pins and if Axis follows halui (ala Dewey's patch) and Axis flips
to manual when jogged then triffic.

>If so, further testing & development in this area seems worthwhile.

How can I help?  (offlist is fine if you want to save cluttering things

| Russell Brown          | MAIL: russ...@lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800 |
| Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.lls.com              |
| Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.ruffle.me.uk         |

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