On Mar 3 2014 10:26 AM, John Morris wrote:
> On 03/02/2014 10:52 AM, Michael Haberler wrote:
>> - do we use elevated privileges for the posix flavor binary, and
>> obtain the desired behavior
> I'm in favor of this.
> What sort of person might want to run LinuxCNC in 'sim' mode, and
> requires no elevated privileges?  This person would be building by 
> hand
> (packages will include setuid binaries and limit.d configs), and 
> using
> an OS that is locked down.  Thanks to cheap hardware and free 
> GNU/Linux
> OSs, this last condition is so easy to work around that it hardly 
> seems
> worth considering.

It is typically considered best practise to only give permissions to 
those that need it.  *IF* you can do things without elevated privileges 
I would argue that we *should*.  The real question is what is strictly 
necessary in these different scenarios?  We need to stop thinking 
strictly with people setting up machines that are completely 
disconnected from the net, purpose setup for running a house sized 
machine whose 1-ton gantry is moving at a 0.5m/s.  We have people using 
EMC to run 3D printers, mini mills, laser cutters, etc., off of their 
desktops, embedded machines (accessible through the web), and maybe even 
laptops with hardware assist...

Anyway, that is my 2.71828c (which can be a little scary... oh wait, 
wrong 'e')

   EBo --

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