On 03/02/2014 11:02 AM, Michael Haberler wrote:
> Am 02.03.2014 um 15:21 schrieb John Kasunich <jmkasun...@fastmail.fm>:
> the problem is about passing _several scalar values between threads
> in an atomic fashion_ (transactional, meaning - all of them updated,
> or none of them updated as seen by the receiving thread).
> Is this what you are talking about? I think that is a very important
> property, and it is key to spell this out very clear. But a
> scheduling policy might not be the only solution to this problem, and
> not necessarily the best.

[From a non-sequential, later email:]

On 03/03/2014 05:16 PM, John Kasunich wrote:
> Can we agree that on a single core system, slow threads should never
> steal the CPU from fast threads, and web browsers should never steal
> the CPU from any "real-time" threads?  Even if you are only doing
> simulated real-time?

Quick reality check:  A scheduling system where slow threads never
preempt fast threads is unrelated to atomic transfer of multiple scalars
between threads, correct?

A simple copy into (clobber of) a couple of registers shared between
fast and slow threads is not atomic/transactional if a thread is
preempted while either reading or writing.  That's a problem whether a
slow thread preempts a fast thread or the converse.


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