On Oct 26 2016 9:40 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> On 26 October 2016 at 16:07, EBo <e...@sandien.com> wrote:
>>> This is NOT 1980. Memory (at this level) is free.
> Indeed. It is hard to imagine needing more than 5kB per tool.

The 1980 quote was not mine (the clip makes it appeare to attribute 
that to me, but no offence taken).  As mentioned in my reply, I have 
been doing a lot of massively parallel work of late (actually uniquely 
identifying every tree and shrub with a canopy size greater than 2 
square meters across the entire sub-Saharan Sahel -- roughly 9 million 
square kilometres), and my mind just went to efficient packing of 
information.  Sorry about that...

That said lets do a simple budget analysis.  if we us a 16-bit tool 
number.  That gives us 65,536 choices (I would probably remove two of 
those to mark MIN_INT and MAX_INT as special cases or internal flags, 
but that is trivial)  So assuming that it is 5,120 bytes we end up with 
a max table size of 336MB, but in reality, it would be a few MB in size. 
Those are reasonable numbers in modern machines.  It is even realistic 
with small dedicated SOC embedded machines, but there it would probably 
be pushing what can be dedicated to the functionality.  Now let us test 
our assumptions.  What all is in the 5kB allocated per tool?  Is that 
realistic?  I can think of one application that might break that 
assumption -- where I digitize a high resolution profile of the tool so 
that I can model the actual shape cut by that tool.  Very specialized 
work, and only really useful when you are custom grinding specialized 
tool bits with weird shapes and want to try feed that into a CAD/CAM.  I 
would expect that to take up more than the 5kB, but lets start 
discussing what is already defined, and what people want to add, and 
make sure that we are not talking MB per tool instead of kB per tool.

   EBo --

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