On Thursday 27 July 2017 16:42:40 C. Thomas Schneider wrote:

I am having a similar problem on the lathes. Generally I just edit the 
file, changinging the rotation number until it works, but then I 
generally have to play with the Z offset. That doesn't always result in 
the backplot positions being a match when the actual cut does match.

> I was having issues with how the tool was being displayed in Axis in
> my configuration. My "mill" is an XZAB configuration  (No "Y" axis).
> I traced the issue to the ../lib/python/rs274/glcanon.py script
> In the redraw method when rotating the tool it uses the geometry as
> parsed by the axis.py. the problem is that axis reverses the order of
> the labels.
> So AXZ-B becomes -BZXA
> This works fine for the back plot and everything else but the
> glRotatef calls in the redraw() function are reversed when GLOpen
> executes them (at least this is my understanding).
> I added the following (in bold) and everything seems to work for me:
> (There was also an "import re" added near the top of the file)

Bold is not a font spec that is sent to the other end in a text mail, so 
I've no clue what you are adding, or to which file.
>     glPushMatrix()
>     glTranslatef(*pos)
>     sign = 1
>     g = re.split(" *(-?[XYZABCUVW])", self.get_geometry())
>     g = "".join(reversed(g))
>     for ch in g: # Geometry in reverse order
>         if ch == '-':
>             sign = -1
>         elif ch == 'A':
>             glRotatef(rx*sign, 1, 0, 0)
>             sign = 1
>         elif ch == 'B':
>             glRotatef(ry*sign, 0, 1, 0)
>             sign = 1
>         elif ch == 'C':
>             glRotatef(rz*sign, 0, 0, 1)
>             sign = 1
> I don't think this is the most efficient means to do this and would
> appreciate feedback from the group.
> Thank you!
> -Tom

A diff file, intended to be used by patch, might be a better way to 
convey what you've done, and to which file it is done to. I am assuming 
this patch is for ../lib/python/rs274/glcanon.py script, but since there 
is not an absolute anchor point in that string, it could be located 
anyplace in 75GB of data here.

If after those points are clarified, it fixes my lathe tooltable editing 
shenanigans, I'll also be thankfull Tom. 

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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