Yes, I know what axis is written in. And yes there is plenty to choose from
but the suggestion was to use C++ which made no sense
Rod Webster
*1300 896 832*
+61 435 765 611

On Sat, 2 May 2020 at 20:20, andy pugh <> wrote:

> On Sat, 2 May 2020 at 10:41, Rod Webster <> wrote:
> > Only using C++ would basically stop the customisation of this wonderful
> > software in its tracks and force users to continue to use an archaic GUI
> > called Axis.
> Axis is written in Python. (and Tcl)
> > Once Python 3.0 is upgraded the next major body of work should be to
> > release a new, modern GUI as the Linuxcnc default.
> Why not an existing modern GUI? There are several. LinuxCNC includes
> TkLinuxCNC, Axis, Touchy, Gmoccapy, Gscreen (with several themes) and
> Silverdragon.
> --
> atp
> "A motorcycle is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment and is
> designed for the especial use of mechanical geniuses, daredevils and
> lunatics."
> — George Fitch, Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, 1912
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