
for testing purpose I wanted to try ngcgui.

When I called ngcgui from commandline, I first wondered, why nothing happens. 
Terminal looks like program is running but no change on screen?

Well, the change was so small, that I didn't realize it a first sight.
Application size is about 4mm wide and almost 20mm high. Of cause - nothing is 
So I tried to resize the window using the mouse.
The problem is, that ngcgui allows horizontal size changes only.
Even if I use maximize buttons or (kde-only feature) maximize window 
vertically only - no way to change the height of application.

With the horizontally grown app I can read a Box with the title "Controls", 
which has a button (?) called "Präambel", which triggers a file selection.
But even on selecting a file, nothing changes to the application window size.

Any hint, how I can resize the window vertically?

cheers Reinhard

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