Please correct me if I am wrong.

The current buildbot hosted and mentioned by Seb:

The buildbot currently consists of ~20 VMs, each with 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, and ~20 GB disk. The buildmaster has 200 GB disk, mostly to host the package archive some of those VMs can be retired when we EOL 2.8

The buildmaster needs 2 CPUs, 2+ GB RAM, 200 GB disk, and a fast network connection.  it needs to accept TCP connections on an arbitrary port from all the build workers.

The buildbot uses the standard debian toolchain for building/testing/packaging, the only custom stuff is a few pages of shell scripts to manage the debian package archive at blo/dists and the buildmaster config itself (which it a bit like the github actions file, it says how to do each step) Some VMs will need to be added to support bullseye, bookworm, and sid terminology: "one buildbot" consists of "one buildmaster" and "one or more build workers".

We only need one buildbot, and it only needs to contain one buildmaster, but it needs one build worker for each platform we want to support if we're testing kernel-independent userspace stuff then we can get away with running the build workers in containers or chroots or whatever, so we don't need one VM per build worker

But for kernel-mode RTAI we absolutely need a VM for each build worker and if we want to test the realtime-specific parts of rtapi_app, then we need a VM for each build worker

Alec (ntulinux, RTAI dev) said that he does not need Sebs RTAI scripts for a buildbot anymore due to the changes in RTAI and LCNC.

Rod W. was offered a free vps for hosting a buildbot.for lcnc

turboss has offered the use of his server that he currently uses for hosting qtpyvcp as a buildbot for lcnc

jt is working on a buildbot at his location

On 11/15/22 12:30, John Thornton wrote:

I've been working with buildbot 3.6.1 and have it building a deb for me. Next task for me is to figure out how to setup a remote builder.

On 11/15/2022 12:02 PM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
On 11/14/22 18:43, wrote:
On 2022-11-14 15:54, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:

In order to support testing LinuxCNC on RTAI the buildbot uses custom
VMs which i created a long time ago and maintain poorly.  It all runs
on hardware in my house, on my local network, so I am reluctant to
open it up to a more collaborative mode of development/maintenance.

Is there some way of replicating your home based setup (or obtaining a compatible hardware/software environment) by contracting with a commercial hosting company, or co-location facility, or something like that? If this could be done for a reasonable amount of money, I'd be happy to pay for it, or at least chip in. I can't do much to help, but I can spend money!

Hosting the hardware is relatively little effort.

Most of the effort is in the initial creation of new builder VMs (i.e. to build on new platforms), and ongoing updates to the buildmaster.

These tasks would still fall on us of the LinuxCNC project, rather than on whatever hosting provider we use.

The lack of builders newer than Buster in the buildbot is due to a version-skew issue within the buildbot project: to support newer builders I need to upgrade the buildmaster from the current (ancient) 0.8 version to the new 2.x version.  Again, this is work that a hosting provider can't help with.  I have been working on it on and off, and I've made some progress, but it's not ready to deploy yet.

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