Iirc it was just to make the preview more responsive...

On Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 8:16 PM Greg C <gregory.d.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good evening all,
> Recently on the forum turbostew brought up an issue that I've noticed in
> the past (in PathPilot) where on large cut files, the backplot starts to
> turn back to white at the beginning of the previewed cut paths.  Thread
> <
> https://forum.linuxcnc.org/qtvcp/41566-seems-like-a-buffer-size-limit-on-toolpath-highlighting?start=0#200370
> >
> What is actually happening is the max number of points is reached and the
> oldest points are falling off as the new points are added.  Since the
> number of MAX_POINTS is defined in emcmodule.cc, this would affect all
> guis.  emcmodule.cc L1981
> <
> https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/blob/131761f462ff0194a5403500f03f1f47c5899896/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/extensions/emcmodule.cc#L1981
> >
> Back in June of 2009 Jeff Epler lowered this value from 100000 to 10000,
> and unfortunately the commit doesn't give any details as to why.  Jeff's
> Commit
> <
> https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/commit/13e76953aaa61da0c560418cfbc117436d8c9f38
> >
> I wonder if anyone has insight to:
> 1. Why MAX_POINTS was lowered?
> 2. If I increased this back to 100000 or even 1000000, are there any
> potential negative side effects (I didn't see anything obvious in the brief
> testing I did)?
> Thanks,
> Greg
> P.S. the way the backplotter "unwinds" on the beginning of the preview
> while adding to the current points of the cut path reminds me of the old
> computer game "Snake".  So I wonder if I increase the length of the snake,
> is there potential for it to "crash" into itself.  🙂
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