I was lucky enough to attend an Ethercat working group seminar today in
Brisbane, Australia where German based Martin Rostan,  Executive Director
from the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) was the main presenter.

It was all very interesting and the detailed low level description of
ethercat packets and alternatives based on TCP makes Ethercat streets in
front of other alternatives because of the sheer efficiency of the
protocol. This let me understand the issues causing the error finishing
read error being experienced with hm2eth connected devices (ie mesa
ethernet cards) in later kernels (5.10 and above).

I was also able to speak with Martin about the licensing issue
preventing us from including the Linuxcnc ethercat driver in our
distribution and have a greater understanding of the problem. Their
license requires users of an ethercat master (in this case the iGh Etherlab
master we use) to become members of the ETG (which is free). Anybody
selling machines would need to adhere to this. So technically, we can't put
that condition on to our terms because the existing GPL licence
from Linuxcnc propagates to the ethercat driver. He did go on to say that
they would never take action against somebody promoting use of ethercat

So back to the error finishing read problem (that can't be solved by wide
scale adoption of ethercat), I recently purchased an Odroid N2+ Arm based
PC which arrived today. I was hoping the different platform may improve
network latency. I have been able to compile an Armbian bookworm image
which booted OK.  A user on the Armbian forum  is willing to help me with
building a PREEMPT_RT image following this prerequisite first step. but his
main interest is in Xenomai 4 and he is keen to help me subsequently build
Xenomai for the N2+.  Xenomai seems to have a significant advantage over
PREEMPT_RT re latency. Given we already support Xenomai 3, I am hoping it
will be a fairly simple matter to support xenomai 4 and build a test for
network latency to look at differences between xenomai and preempt_rt.

So I am sure progress will be slow, but I am hopeful we will come up with a
solution to error finishing read!

I hope some of you are interested in this ChatGPT free update!

Rod Webster



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