In response to Pete Tarver's info about the Furukawa TEX-E, we had to check on 
this a couple of months ago for one of our clients.

Pete's right about the Annex U not applying to the Furukawa wire under Amd. 3. 
 However,  Furukawa petitioned the standard committee, and the notes from the 
meeting stated that Amd. 4 would include a revision to accept Furukawa type 
wiring under Annex U.  

I would assume that Furukawa has already begun the Annex U investigation, as 
they are running neck and neck with another triple insulated wire manufacturer 
(Totoku Elec. Co., Ltd.).

I think that the way our client resolved the issue is that they had their 
product approved to 2nd Amd., which the Furukawa has been evaluated for, and 
will re-evaluate the product at a later date.

Hope this helps.

Art Kampmeier
A-Pex International Co., Ltd.

> On the other side of the coin, Annex U only allows winding wire that is =
> spirally wrapped in polyimide film, which the subject wire is not.  =
> Properly used, I'm confident that TEX-E will make it through most any UL =
> evaluation, particulalry for ITE, since that was my goal in doing the =
> work.  The same probably applies to CSA (Egon?).  However, you will =
> probably have more difficulty with the application elsewhere than in the =
> northern bits of  North America.

> At the time I was performing the evaluation on the subject winding wire, =
> the proposal for Annex U had been made, but was not yet voted on in TC74 =
> or in some similar state of being.  It was my understanding then that =
> there was either one or a small core of magnet wire manufacturers in =
> Europe (German, meguesses) that pushed for Annex U.  I urged Furukawa to =
> take the issue up with TC 74, but haven't heard or read anything on topic =
> since.
> Regards,
> Peter L. Tarver
> Northern Telecom

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