Judd and Art -

I know this particular product well.  It was one of my projects, while working 
at UL.  I can't give you many details, on ethical grounds, but IMO, it's good 
stuff, within its Recognized limits.  Please note that:

        the manufacturer in the 1996 UL RCD is Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., not 
Fujitsu Denso, and

        the product category is Miscellaneous Insulating Devices and Materials 
(OCDT2), not Magnet Wire (OBMW2).

For the inquiring mind, the product category was selected, based on use of ANSI 
MW1000-1977 for (OBMW2), which only looks at dipped insulation applications, 
where solvents are used in the processes.  The subject wire uses a different 

On the other side of the coin, Annex U only allows winding wire that is 
spirally wrapped in polyimide film, which the subject wire is not.  Properly 
used, I'm confident that TEX-E will make it through most any UL evaluation, 
particulalry for ITE, since that was my goal in doing the work.  The same 
probably applies to CSA (Egon?).  However, you will probably have more 
difficulty with the application elsewhere than in the northern bits of  North 

At the time I was performing the evaluation on the subject winding wire, the 
proposal for Annex U had been made, but was not yet voted on in TC74 or in some 
similar state of being.  It was my understanding then that there was either one 
or a small core of magnet wire manufacturers in Europe (German, meguesses) that 
pushed for Annex U.  I urged Furukawa to take the issue up with TC 74, but 
haven't heard or read anything on topic since.


Peter L. Tarver
Northern Telecom

As ever, the above are *my* views and are not necessarily those of Northern 
Telecom.  Don't even _think_ of laying that wrap on them.
Hello Judd,

The wire you refer to is "triple insulated" wire.  It has three coatings
of insulation either wound or extruded over the conductor.  It is
described in CSA 22.2 No. 950/UL 1950, Third Edition, Annex U, titled,
"Insulated winding wires for use as multiple layer insulation" and in
Section titled, "Wound components without interleaved insulation".
I believe there are a few other suppliers of similar material.

I would expect that the source you identified could quickly tell you if
and where this product is used in a Listed or Certifed product.

Regards, Art Michael
On 28 Aug 1996, Judd Stewart wrote:

> Greetings to all,
> Recently one of my engineers came across a magnet wire that eliminates the
> need for insulation tape or barriers  between primary and secondary, that is,
> you wrap the primary enameled wire right over this new wire with nothing but
> the insulation on each product providing the insulation. The product name is
> TEX-E Mfg. by Fujitsu Denso Ltd.
> Does anyone know of this product and have seen any listed applications.
> Thanks in advance.
> Judd Stewart

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