Jim, the problem does exist when you are trying to send a message 
with double quotes to EMC-PSTC or TREG from RCIC message archive 
(VCH). That's because of my limited programming ability.

If you directly sent the message to the group, I'm afraid
that's the problem of your mail path. I have the same problem if
I try to send a message to the group from my company ccmail 
account. It goes nowhere!



BTW, my little ad, 

RCIC = Regulatory Compliance Information Center at

At 09:57 AM 7/18/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Sorry if this is old hat but I'm confused.
>It seems to me I saw something somewhere that said if you use a quotation 
>mark in an e-mail in this forum it results in everything after the quotation 
>mark disappearing, so we get partially or wholly blank e-mails.
>Twice in the last 3 days I have tried to respond to the question regarding 
>requirements for a marine / automotive tachometer and my e-mail has appeared 
>to send normally but has not been received by the forum.  In both attempts I 
>used quotation marks.  Before the 2nd attempt, suspecting that was the 
>problem, I browsed a bunch of old e-mails on this forum and found lots of 
>them with quotation marks used and no apparent problems (including some of 
>my own), so I left the quotation marks in and assumed the problem lay 
>So is there a problem with quotes or not, and why have my e-mails been 
>disappearing into the great void?
>Jim Eichner
>Statpower Technologies Corporation
>The opinions expressed are those of my invisible friend

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